So. The reason this blog is in existence. David Daker and wanting to talk him some, the way there's basically nothing about him anywhere online. I thought I could at least post a few screen captures every now and then to add to the material, even if unable to put up a proper website as a fan or anything. I could, but I lack the time to get it properly organized right at the moment.
I saw Dick Turpin from Super Channel's reruns of the series when I was around 12-14 back in the 80s. If you're unfamiliar with the show, it's Kip Carpenter & co. running amok with their pre-Robin of Sherwood "Rob from the rich, possibly at times even give to the poor, but rob from the rich and corrupt in any case" romantic hero, Dick Turpin. The series begins after the historical Turpin is declared hanged and dead, so we can ignore all the nasty reality and just have a bit of a romp in 18th century gear. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever, and trust me, when 14-year-old me finally saw Adam Ant's Stand and Deliver video after the series, teenage me was quite aghast at such a pretty boy young upstart trying to pretend to the role. Go figure that a few years later I'd love Ant's songs and style, anyway.
While in the UK some years ago I saw the DVD of the series on sale and knowing that I'd loved it as a kid, had to buy it while still in the country. Fast forward another 5 years and I finally get around to watching it, too. I postpone a lot of things if not in the mood or with other excuses not to watch something. It doesn't mean I theoretically like them any less, I'm just not in the mood for whatever.
Conclusion? I still like the series, still half fancy Richard O'Sullivan's Turpin, still think Swift-Nick is too much of a blonde and babyface to be my thing, and hel-looo, all of a sudden appreciate Daker's Captain Nathan Spiker a lot more than before. I can't remember what I thought as a teen regrettably, but as an adult I most definitely appreciated Spiker. A caveat may need to be inserted about my having a tremendous fondness for most villainous types, all the way to applause or slight cheerleading for the best ones. That wasn't in play here, but I do like villains, yes.
Spiker, anyway. I appreciated him slowly all along the first season/series, but must confess that there was a particular episode and a turning point when I thought that I really must go back and watch it all again with more of a focus on Spiker. Yes, it's that sad. Why? Because, ahaha, I appear to have more of a thing for good arms than I keep remembering.
If you get a chance to watch the series, you can nod sagely once you come to The Whipping Boy episode. You can mutter gravely and shake your heads once Spiker loses his position (and usual uniform or attire), and sigh and tut and tsk out loud over my fate when you reach the fight in the water. Meanwhile, I'll be over here writing comical blog posts about what fantastic arms Spiker had underneath the uniform, revealed in the fight in the water. We are talking seriously good arms there. Me like, I approve, please sir I'd like some more? You probably get the picture (and will get a picture once I figure out where I stashed that cap). And were this an entirely informal affair, we'd be inserting *smile* type things here to denote the amusement, but I haven't figured out yet how informal a tone I'll be keeping up.
Then of course there was The Turncoat episode with more things I'll no doubt later embarrass myself over, but I'll tally ho over all that when it's time for it.
Long story short, I spent August-September last year reacquainting myself with the first series and developing a burgeoning appreciation for Daker. As much as one role never fully lets you appreciate even half the sides of any actor worth anything, it was a start. In this case, I'd say there's a lot to appreciate. There are some delightful clips on a rather well-known video site that I've spent some time slowly watching this August and September now and I absolutely crave to see the Doctor Who material, not to mention to hear the Who audio he's in that gets such praise online, but again, more of those later, probably.
I have to thank the person who'd uploaded the Boon episodes in particular already though, since I had no idea I was missing a Harry Crawford from my life until I got to see those to introduce me to the character. Harry is adorable, and I'm grateful for the chance to see even a few of the episodes. As well as maybe even the fact that I got to them in adult years.
I always seem to end up in Fandoms of One, and while I know there are some sites out there where 2-3 people suggest an interest in Daker, there is practically zero information and even less talk out there. I want to talk. I'll probably be alone in the talking, but I want to talk in any case. I know he missed out on the Internet with most of the series he was in, I can tell he's somehow missed out on cult TV type attention despite the Doctor Who appearances and more, and maybe there is no need for more than the work either, but I wish there was a little bit more online even so. Apparently I'm going to try and contribute to the pot.
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