There are a lot of assessing periods going on for me at the moment I'd say. The trouble with that is that it's a lifelong process on many of the things assessed, not least of which who you are or what you really want, something I've rarely known on the latter front at least.
I know I like Queen, if that says anything about whatever kind of a woman whoever might be. There was something here about dancing, but it probably doesn't need to be. Then again, most of the post probably doesn't.
I'm not an excessive drama queen or particularly extroverted, but I will not be walked over either, and if something actually matters, will not budge, no matter what the appearances of acquiescence given. Saying you're not unreasonable won't say a thing, when everything is about appearances and points of views in such things.
I will be unreasonable if you see it necessary to claim the LGBT front issues or people are wrong in their lives. While none of your business and me at least thus far in no way a chaser either, I personally rather love a man in a skirt and make-up for one, too. I quite love a good military uniform as well, so much difference that makes. *shrug* I haven't really run into either type thus far either. More's the pity me, and more shrugs on top.
I need very little when it comes to day to day life compared to some people it seems, but can say I'm a demanding woman on some other levels. Which ones would be telling. Or as if I knew. I know how to get off sexually in more ways than one, so may or may not demand on such fronts, too. I wouldn't know. Is it relevant? Does it matter? What the hell do you care?
I would rather not get involved if don't see a point for a relationship with some nobody, just in case you'd get cosy over the years, or just because you're supposed to be in a relationship, because you are. I've walked mostly alone so far as well, I rather expect you to add something to the equation if you want to be a part of it, you know?
I occasionally use the word ravenous about some sides, but that's not all of it either. Others have listed words like rational, insight, analytical, perceptive, thorough, determined, integrity, manipulative and sincere when asked what I might be like, and that's what people considered positive adjectives to match. Manipulatively sincere integrity, what a grand combination? Of course you end up with whatever the crowd asked reflects themselves, so whatever worth that is is up to whoever judging. The list did say perceptive. It didn't include dreamer, but that's what you get with others trying to pin you down then.
Running into questions like "What do you value most in life?" and "What is your most admirable quality?" hardly helps, when at least the first one takes more processing power than what you're currently willing to put into it.
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