Saturday, September 25, 2010

Harry's adorable (D)

Photobucket To not give the wrong idea about where my character balance lies overall, I did say that I found Harry Crawford from Boon ridiculously adorable. I've been busy as of late and having to see to some other things during my online time, but once I get the chance I'll be getting back to watching more Boon for sure.

Michael Elphick, Neil Morrissey and the female cast seen so far all seem fine enough, but I have to say that Harry is adorable, anyway. Slightly daft and pompous (as people have said) or not, and my still greatly relying on one Boon site out there for most of the episode synopses and what happened over the years, I'm tremendously fond of the character already after seeing only a few episodes. I had no idea I was missing a Harry Crawford from my life until Boon.

I'm also going to have a treasure trove of actors to get to check out in their earlier years if I ever get the DVDs in my hand. I actor-spotted through episode lists for familiar names and will enjoy getting around to those. Sometime. Where's my chance to live in London again when I need it?

I have to say starting with the "Comes up as the top result" option, or the last episode with Jason Isaacs as a guest, really was a bad choice in terms of hooking anyone to the series though. Had I not jumped to the Christmas special and Shot in the Dark after 2-3 parts, well, I'd still be watching Boon since I'm stubborn when curious, but I don't recommend the top search result for other newbies, no.

It's a bit of a non-starter for a post and saying nothing, but maybe I'll get to do episode commentary as I get around to more of them. I'd already forgotten that I last started Trouble in the Fields, there being funeral trips and other things to see to in between, commentary probably helping me keep track of things.

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