Friday, October 15, 2010

The Harry Crawford Show (D)

I continue to have slight problems when watching what Boon there is on that rather well-known video clip site out there. I'm having problems because Harry Crawford half robs me of being capable of saying anything intelligible about any of the episodes. Actual reviews or noting what works and what doesn't in each episode seen would be more informative and work better from an outside point of view, but I end up half gushing over Harry instead.

"You know what I think, Ken? I think breaking and entering’s fun. It’s much more fun than security."
"That’s very interesting, Harry."
"Well, it’s true, innit?"
"Yeah, you always were the villain at heart."
"Now you say it. Anyway, it’s wonderful. I’m getting rid of years of repression."

Oh, Harry. How much can you love a character, anyway? Thieves Like Us for that quote exchange and what was watched the latest. The picture is from another episode. Thieves Like Us is still not one of Harry's finer episodes though, although his basic sense of honesty does show even there, despite quotes like the above.

Harry's a fine man. I'd be lucky to find someone even half as decent as him. I suspect there are plenty of episodes that I've yet to see where Ken plays as good a friend to him, too, but given Harry's supporting role to Ken Boon in the series, he gets more opportunities to exhibit what a good friend he really is. How anyone couldn't find that appealing is more of an existential question than I want to tackle right now.

I normally actually prefer villainous characters if talking characters. That I would have become so fond of a thoroughly decent type like Harry here instead is more of a coup for everyone involved than may be apparent.

Harry gets things done and always seems to have a plan even after losing his previous business. He's the one who originally kicks Boon enough to get him off his ass, so to speak. Can I have one, too? Oh, I'll arrange things fine if I have to or want to, but of the two friends, I'm probably more on the dreamy Ken side. It probably figures that at this stage I'd then remember what I read of Harry's plans getting in the way of Ken's business in earlier seasons, but I also have a problem in appreciating some pragmatism like that in people. If he had pulled a move like that against a mate (of the romantic sorts), it'd be inexcusable. Toward a friend, I can live with the move in a character.

However, it's Harry's "No, honestly, mate, I’m sorry if I was unsympathetic," line in the Honourable Service episode that probably most wins me over. I don't know if it's me or the kind of people I know, but I don't think I've run into that kind of words from anyone throughout my life. Not only is Harry someone who can see if he's done something a bit dodgy or unsympathetic or anything that may not be in the best interests of his relationship with someone, he's also not afraid to apologize outright for it all. Seriously, can I have a Harry Crawford in my life, please? I'd even try to remember to reciprocate like that for everything dodgy I ever do in turn, and I'm sure there'd be more with me than with Harry in the series.

As may be apparent, there is that problem, as said. I end up watching The Harry Show, not Boon.

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