Friday, October 1, 2010

I love a good lateral jumps hunt

I'm doing slow background work for putting together that aforementioned site that I said I wouldn't have time to organize, against my better knowledge. I was reminded of how much material I managed to dig up about something else several years ago simply through lateral jumps and basic use of logic and the tenacity to scour through the web for related info and wanted to try the same here. Half because of how much I apparently enjoy the process of hunting things down.

The main hits you get on search engines may have up to four vaguely relevant hits, but even that depends on what you're looking into. After that it's all the useless spamming junk and sites that have the building blocks and the big name tags and flashy lights to lure you in, but no content. I have an hour or so at most per weekdays to devote to any sort of searches and shifting through sites. I've been glancing through things for a week or two and despite there not being much, if it was all linked to or housed under one roof, it would be a dozen times more than what the flashy sites have. Until they grab any content anyone else has gathered as their own, but alas, that's their problem then.

Because I was good back in the day, I had content on my topic. Style I wouldn't say about, but content there was. I was a little thrown at the reminder from years back, but good for me then.

My personality type in the Meyers-Briggs typing system is INTP. Long story short, much of the type's fun falls under analysis and organizing systems. You may see where this is going. Give me the whole Net to search through as a challenge, add on top the "lateral jumps will be necessary to find anything" factor, provide me with enough time and if it's listed, I'll love the challenge and rewards of having thought up another angle to get something that other people would give up on.

Regrettably, I doubt there will be Internet records about theatre performances from the 1960s unlike some things in the late 1990s that I found in my previous unrelated hunts, but I'll still be having fun in seeing what I uncover through simply using the brain a bit more than most. Oh, for some actual newspaper archive access, come to think of it. You get a lead and start reeling the thread in, see what else you get, nothing wrong with that as a pastime.

Unrelated searches and privacy issues elsewhere have in any case reminded me about how much completely unnecessary information there also exists online, or what can be found out about people when they don't watch it. Me included no doubt, since some of the things I was reminded about last week were new to me in actual practise. I'd heard about them, but not stumbled upon them in practise. Suffice it to say, I don't approve of everything being locatable online. A matter of public records or not, people in Europe do not generally need access to records about US citizens, for example. I'm not going to buy your researching genealogy excuse there.

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