Thursday, October 7, 2010

Things rusty and otherwise

I'm aware that the blog currently looks a little creepy if coming in out of the blue. I imagine it'll even out in a couple of months once I get more things going on the side.

Before that I need to figure out where I can properly stash the website side that have in mind. My HTML skills are indeed severely rusty. I can tell now for sure after getting the main things mostly sewn together, but I dislike the templates that most sites seem to offer these days and apparently prefer to suck on my own levels instead.

Other than that and unrelated, I'm in states of mind where I again half dislike having to as if hold back or control whatever is said or shown in places like these. I'm enough of a hermit to not want excessive attention and aware of how public some things can end up being, but I also find myself displeased with civilized limits to what you should be or seem, when with one flex you'd surpass beyond such in no time. There is a feeling of "I'm bigger than this" and a dislike of not flexing closer to ranges where you'd move unrestrained.

In further unrelated nonsense, I wonder if astrology blogs or sites had anything to say on Venus, Mars and the asteroid Eros apparently having transited the same degrees around 13-14 Scorpio just before this. I have no idea if that should happen often in whatever sign, but admit that my natal Eros at 13 degrees Scorpio may have something to say in my passing interest. These things happen?

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